Integrating Personality Assessments into your Team Development Programs:
The Nuhop Center has created engaging training programs based on the principles of experiential learning in combination with The DiSC® Profile System and Personality IQ Assessment Tool. All Nuhop Team Development and Corporate Training Programs have been designed to integrate these personality assessment tools. The cornerstone of experiential learning is human behavior and the interactions amongst individuals on a team. With the integration of DiSC® Profile and/ or Personality IQ Tools and a highly engaging team development curriculum, The Nuhop Center has been able to create results-oriented trainings that are designed to focus on our client's goals and core business objectives.
Personality I.Q.
The fascination of studying human behavior and the differences in temperaments, innate needs and strengths, stressors, preferences, perceptions, motivational factors and rewards have been studied for many years. The Personality I.Q. product takes temperament theory and catalyzes theory into immediate hands on results . . . promoting unity from diversity. This is a quick but very accurate quiz that is attention getting with unfailing accuracy. This product can be integrated into any of the programs identified above to cover topics such as diversity, conflict resolution, business communications, individual growth as well as respect for others innate personality traits and how these can affect the greater team.
DiSC® Personality Profiles: Management, Team Dimensions, Stress & Leadership, Diversity etc.
DiSC® is the original, oldest, most validated, reliable, personal assessment used by over 50 million others to improve lives, interpersonal relationships, work productively, teamwork, and communication! Based on the 1928 work of psychologist William Moulton Martson. The DiSC® Personal Profile System is personality behavioral testing profiling using a four dimensional model of normal behavior in an assessment, inventory, survey format in both self-scored paper or Online Versions. The DiSC® Profile System allows you to:
Identify your behavioral profile and improve interpersonal relationships
Gain valuable insight into the adaptive and natural styles of behavior of yourself and others
Increase your appreciation of other, respect and value differences
Explore behavior across four primary dimensions: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, & Conscientiousness